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download instructions
Click on the version you wish to download. The top most entry is the recent version and probably the one you wish to install. The file you will download is a self-extracting zip file. You don't need any additional files to run blueMSX. You only need the ROM or DSK files (games, demos,...) that you want to play. See the resources page for links to sites where you can download these.

If you have any questions on how to use the emulator or if you find bugs, have ideas for improvment or any other comments of blueMSX, Visit the Official blueMSX Forum.
versions available for download
To download blueMSX , choose full download or minimal download then select PC processor type. The minimal download contains only C-Bios system roms.

If the download does not start automatically when you press download or if your prefer to download a zip with the blueMSX files without using the installer, you can go to the file archive and right click the version you want and choose "Save Target As...".
Choose which archive you want.
blueMSX 2.8.2 Full
blueMSX 2.8.2 Minimal

If you wish to download a zipped version without windows installer, please select one of the links below. Note that if you're not using the Self extracting installer version that comes with blueMSX 2.x, you may need to manually clear the registry before running a new version of blueMSX

*release text release history note
8/14/09 blueMSXv282.zip
8/14/09 blueMSXv282full.zip
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